Fall Photo Trip 2015, Part Six

Kebler Pass-26

The last day of our fall colors trip around Colorado for 2015.  Starting from Crested Butte, we started towards Kebler Pass.  What another beautiful drive!  Again, I had been over Kebler many years ago on a family road trip, but that was not during the fall colors.  Kebler Pass is absolutely filled with aspen trees, so the changing colors are huge here.  This was the first time on our road trip that we started seeing many colors of aspens together, such as red, orange and the more common yellows.

The pass has a ton of great locations to take pictures from, such as the one above.  There are tons of camp grounds too.  Although there was tons of beautiful colors along our drive, Scott and I agreed that we were likely visiting this area about one week after its peak colors.  In addition, I had heard from other photographers on Facebook that the area experienced some heavy winds a few nights earlier, which stripped many of the leaves from the trees.  On many of the large overlooks, there were pockets of bare trees mixed in with trees that still had their leaves,.  Look carefully in the picture above, and you will see such pockets of bare aspens.  Next year I definitely want to come back to Kebler Pass, but I may do that a week earlier.

After we completed the drive over Kebler pass, we turned North towards Glenwood Springs, then got onto I-70 and headed home after a long but very fun weekend.

Being my first official photography trip trying to chase the fall colors, I think we did very well.  We got a lot of great shots, saw tons of beautiful landscapes, made some great memories, and even new friends.  But looking back at it now, I keep thinking pf things that I would do differently.  Things that bug me when I process the pictures from the trip.  But I suppose that is the curse and blessing of photography, there is no such thing as the perfect shot.  You are always trying to improve, always learning from mistakes, and dreaming of the next trip.

Thanks for reading along.

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