Fall Photo Trip 2015, Part Five

Black Canyon-1-HDR

After the awesome drive over Last Dollar Road, we continued on North with the eventual goal of Crested Butte.  Along the way, we passed through Montrose, which isn’t that exciting of a place in of itself, but just outside of Montrose is another one of Colorado’s four National Parks, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park.  I had been there once before on a family road trip maybe ten years earlier, but I figured since we were right there anyways, we might as well go through it.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison is really a beautiful park.  When you get to it, it almost seems out of place.  That is because all around it are our beautiful Colorado mountains, with big trees everywhere.  However, the Black Canyon is quite the opposite.  out of nowhere, you come up to these huge canyons with very dramatic rock formations and almost no trees anywhere.  It’s not one of my top parks to visit, but it is unique and still very beautiful.  You should go there if haven’t already done it.

After we left Black Canyon of the Gunnison, we got back on the road and made it to Crested Butte.  We checked into our hotel then went out trying to find a spot to shoot some pictures of the sunset, but that was a complete failure.  Not only did we not find a good spot in time, but the sunset sucked that night.  So we headed back into town, got a nice dinner at at local burrito joint (similar to a Chipotle) then called it a night, knowing that a long day was ahead of us.

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