Kenosha Pass

Kenosha Pass

Well, as summer came along, I wanted to finally get up into the mountains to get some shots.  So in June, I went for the low hanging fruit: Kenosha Pass.

For those who don’t know, Kenosha Pass is on Highway 285 near Grant, CO.  The pass leads into the valley where Fairplay is located.  This is also the closest and easiest mountain pass to get to from my house (and accessible by 2WD).  It takes a little over an hour to get there from Highlands Ranch.  Of course with my luck, when I got up there, a storm was just forming in the area towards the west.  However, I was able to get a couple decent shots just below the pass (including the image above).  This shot was taken right along Highway 285 near the entrance to a private ranch.  I thought the fence looked pretty cool and would make a good foreground for a shot of the valley and mountains.  I tried a few other shots around Fairplay which didn’t turn out very well at all, since the storm was starting to set in.  As I started riving home, the storm caught me, and I ended up driving through some incredibly heavy rain.  It was worth it though.

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